Summary of Siting Process for Proposed Cat Rock Water Tank, June 2023-Feb 2024
- 03 Mar 2025
This article was contributed by Lauri Bent.
To: Weston Select Board, Weston Town Manager Leon A. Gaumond Jr., Weston DPW
From: Laurie Bent, Select Board Member
Date: January 29, 2025
Re: Summary of Siting Process for Proposed Cat Rock Water Tank, June 2023-Feb 2024
As a participant in the Select Board’s 10-month process of determining sites for new water tanks in Weston, I offer this summary of the siting process for the proposed Cat Rock Water Tank. I focused on Cat Rock because it was the most difficult site to pin down and it required the lengthiest process, including the consideration and analysis of three potential tank sites that were proposed by an abutter. I have included documents and presentations drafted by Wright- Pierce, engineers, as well as summaries and minutes of site walks, Select Board discussions, and other relevant documents. I have included links to documents, meeting minutes, and meeting videos that are available on the Town website. I hope that this summary of the process will demonstrate the care and deliberation with which the Select Board approached this difficult and controversial decision.
June 7 2023-Site Walk at Cat Rock
Abutters received hand-delivered letters in advance of the site walk notifying them of the site walk. Attendees included Select Board Members Laurie Bent, Christopher Houston and Thomas Palmer. Also attending were Wright-Pierce (W-P) Engineering Firm (Rob Williamson, Amy Coppers, and Liz Doerfler), Town Manager, Head of DPW, Representatives of Conservation Commission, Tree Advisory Group, Planning Board, and Town Engineer. A total of 32 people were in attendance.
In advance of the site walk, W-P prepared a preliminary site plan showing one site, Site #1.
Minutes of the Site Walk can be found here: June 7 2023 Summary from Cat Rock site walk
As a result of the discussion with neighbors at the site walk, including Mr. Michael Chasan, W-P added an Alternative Site #2, which Mr. Chasan had proposed, to the preliminary siting plan. The revised preliminary siting plan also included an area at the top of Cat Rock, the look-out, which those present at the site walk unanimously agreed should be protected. W-P Preliminary Site Plan for Cat Rock, reflecting both of these proposals, was developed in June.
Summer-Fall 2003
During the summer and fall of 2023, Wright-Pierce prepared a Tank Siting Alternatives Analysis, as required by the Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) process. The alternatives analysis for tank siting reflected concerns and issues expressed by attendees at the site walks as well as the practical considerations identified by the engineers and Weston DPW in siting the water tanks. The analysis was developed in consultation with volunteers and staff working on the Water Tank project (Laurie Bent, Leon Gaumond, Tom Cullen, and other members of DPW staff), and with the advice of the Conservation Commission.
November 27, 2023 Publication of Alternatives Analysis
The alternatives analysis was a methodology that was developed in recognition of the need to systematically balance the interests, sometimes conflicting, that had to be evaluated in siting each tank. Those interests were sorted into 4 categories: impacts to preserved land, impacts to abutters, engineering challenges, and cost. Each of these categories was further divided into the criteria that had been identified, as follows:
Impacts to Preserved Article 97 Land- Area of Article 97 land change-in-use
- Proximity to significant landscape features
- Extent of tree clearing
- Impacts to contiguous open space affecting wildlife and hikers
- Requires acquisition of private property
- Proximity to closest house
- Site access
- Potential ledge removal
- Cut and fill site work
- Tank height
- Impacts to infrastructure
- Constructability
- Professional opinion of Probable Construction Cost
Each criterion was given a maximum score that reflected a consensus of the relative importance of that criterion. The total maximum scores added up to 100. Scores were assigned as follows:
Criterion | Maximum Score |
Area of Article 97 Land change-in-use | 18 |
Requires Acquisition of private property | 12 |
Constructability | 12 |
Proximity to closest house | 10 |
Tree clearing | 8 |
Potential ledge removal | 8 |
Cut and fill site work | 8 |
Proximity to significant landscape features | 6 |
Impacts to contiguous open space for wildlife & hikers | 6 |
Opinion of probably construction cost | 6 |
Site accessibility | 4 |
Tank height from ground level | 1 |
Impacts to infrastructure | 1 |
An initial score from 1 to 3 was assigned to each of the 13 criteria for each alternative site based on how well that alternative site met the criterion. That initial score was then multiplied by the maximum score assigned to each criterion for a final score. Each site’s final scores were added together for the total score. Accordingly, each site could be assigned a maximum possible total score of 100 (all criteria received a 3), a minimum possible total score of 33 (all criteria received a 1), or any number in between.
A detailed summary of the process and the analysis was published on the Town website on November 27, 2023, and can be found here: W-P Nov. 27, 2023 Final Tank Siting Alternatives Analysis
The Cat Rock Alternatives Analysis results were as follows:
Category | Alternative Site 1 | Alternative Site 2 |
Impacts to preserved land (out of 38) | 12.7 | 22.7 |
Impacts to abutters (out of 22) | 15.3 | 10.7 |
Engineering evaluation (out of 34) | 29.3 | 11.7 |
Cost (out of 6) | 6.0 | 2.0 |
Total score (out of 100) | 63.3 | 47.0 |
Overall rank | 1 | 2 |
Alternative Site # 2 would require the acquisition of property currently owned by Mr. Chasan. The Alternatives Analysis prepared by W-P ranked Cat Rock Alternative Site #1 at 63.3, and Alternative Site #2 at 47.
Sensitivity Analysis
Wright-Pierce and Town representatives also wanted to learn how robust the ranking results were. How sensitive were the results to the weighting scores that had been assigned? To evaluate that concern, different weights were assigned to each category to determine the effect of the assigned weights on the outcome. The results were as follows.
Adjusted Criterion Weighting | Highest Scoring Alternative |
50% of total weight applied to “Impacts to Abutters” | Alt. #1 |
50% of total weight applied to “Impacts to Perservced Land” | Alt. #1 |
50% of total weight applied to “Engineering Evaluation” | Alt. #1 |
Equal weighting for Abutters, Preserved Land, & Engineering | Alt. #1 |
The conclusion regarding the Cat Rock siting analysis was that Alternative Site # 1 offered the only semi-flat area best suited for construction, requiring significantly less site work than Alternative Site # 2. It did not require the acquisition of private property. It allowed for easier access to the existing tank for demolition, and was the most cost-effective. The result was robust because the outcome held up even with significant changes in criteria weighting.
December 5, 2023 Select Board Meeting
At the December 5, 2023 Select Board meeting, representatives of Wright-Pierce presented and explained the alternatives analysis that had been developed in collaboration with Town representatives. In preparation for the meeting, W-P created a summary siting analysis for all three proposed tanks, including Cat Rock, for presentation to the Select Board. That summary analysis is available here: W-P Dec. 5 2023 Summary of Alternatives Analysis
The alternatives analysis process was explained, and the alternatives for each tank site were reviewed. During the conversation, representatives of Wright-Pierce explained that tank sites had been adjusted in response to the input expressed at site walks as well as input communicated to the Town through the Town Manager. As a result of community input, two proposed tank sites had been adjusted. The Paines Hill proposed tank location had been shifted further east within the proposed land taking, and the Doublet Hill tank site had been adjusted to the east. Both changes were made to minimize impact to abutters while accommodating engineering constraints. The Select Board discussion can be viewed starting at 0:46 of the meeting recording, which is available here: December 5 2023 Weston Select Board meeting. No vote was taken at that meeting.
January 5, 2024 Cat Rock Site Walk
After the December 5 Select Board meeting, Mr. Chasan communicated serious concerns about the Cat Rock siting process to the Town Manager. As a result of his concerns, an additional Cat Rock site walk was conducted on January 5, 2024.
Mr. Chasan indicated at the January 5th site walk that he no longer favored Alternative Site #2, and that he would prefer a site location further up the crest towards the peak of Cat Rock. Based on Mr. Chasan’s request, Wright Pierce did a further analysis of a proposed new location for the water tanks at Alternative Site # 3.
Minutes from that meeting are here:Jan 5 2024 Cat Rock Site visit minutes
January 23, 2024 Select Board Meeting
At the Select Board Meeting of January 23, 2024, all three proposed tank sites (Paines Hill, Doublet Hill, and Cat Rock) were discussed. The final tank site locations were voted on for Paines Hill and Doublet Hill. As a result of concerns expressed by Mr. Chasan about the Cat Rock site, that decision was postponed so that more information could be gathered. Minutes from the January 23, 2024 Select Board meeting can be found here: Minutes of Jan 23 2024 Select Board Meeting
Alternative Site # 3, proposed by Mr. Chasan at the January 23, 2024 Select Board meeting, is shown above. It would require leveling a portion of the top of Cat Rock, as well as land takings from neighbors at 44 and 52 Whitney Tavern Road.
The portion of the January 23, 2024 Select Board minutes relating to Cat Rock are included below.
Cat RockCat Rock was acknowledged as the most challenging site. Wright-Pierce reviewed their recommended Alternative 1 and a new Alternative 3 proposed by the owner of 111 Bradford Road to locate the tank next to the existing one. The Wright-Pierce engineers explained that Alternative 3 would still require an Article 97 land transfer, likely need zoning variances, significantly impact Cat Rock outlook (despite the abutting landowner's assertions to the contrary), require extensive tree clearing, and cost $1-1.5 million more to construct due to site constraints and complex logistics. The owner's attorney and engineer disputed many of these points.
Many residents spoke in opposition to Alternative 3, arguing it would destroy the iconic Cat Rock outlook. A couple of residents questioned why the literal top of Cat Rock was ruled out without detailed scoring. Ms. Bent reiterated that was a non-starter due to overwhelming public opposition to impacting that landmark.
Facing the potential of Alternative 1 moving forward, the owner's attorney asked the Board to reconsider Alternative 2, which would put the tank on the owner's land, stating the owner would now be open to discussing that option which is preferable to him over Alternative 1. The scoring of Alternative 2 was debated.
After extensive discussion, Ms. Bent suggested tabling a vote on Cat Rock for 2 weeks to allow Wright-Pierce to more thoroughly analyze Alternative 2, reach out to any other impacted abutters, and have the owner clarify what land arrangements might make Alternative 2 viable as a compromise between Alternative 1 and Alternative 3. The other members agreed to this approach and a special meeting will be scheduled in two weeks on Cat Rock.
No Motion as Select Board agreed to table the item for two weeks.
January 30, 2024 Mr. Chasan’s Representatives Present New Tank Siting Alternative
In light of strong public opposition to Alternative 3 expressed at the January 23rd Select Board meeting, representatives of Mr. Chasan presented another different alternative, labeled “Alternative Site # 2A” to the Town Manager, who referred it to Wright-Pierce for analysis using the Alternatives Analysis tool previously presented to the Select Board. Alternative Site # 2A was similar to Alternative 2 (previously proposed by Mr. Chasan and analyzed in the November 27, 2023 Alternatives Analysis discussed above) but shifted the site to the southwest, closer to the existing water tank. Alternative Site # 2A, like Alternative Site # 2, would require the acquisition of land from Mr. Chasan.
February 1, 2024 Town Manager Communication to Select Board
Letter to the Select Board from the Town Manager regarding a January 31, 2024 meeting with Laurie Bent, Mr. Chasan, his attorney, Dan Hill, and his engineer, Sean Reardon. Note that to avoid confusion, the “Alternative Site # 2” site referred to in this letter is labeled “Alternative Site # 2A” in the W-P Feb 2024 Alternatives Analysis, since this new siting proposal is shifted significantly to the southwest from the original “Alternative Site # 2” proposed by Mr. Chasan and analyzed in the W-P Nov 2023 Alternatives Analysis.
RE: Weston / Water Tank Replacement
From: Gaumond, Leon
To: Bent, Laurie; Houston, Christopher; Kelley, Susan; Palmer, Tom; Yanakakis, Lisa
Date: Feb. 1, 2024
12:56 pm
I wanted to follow up with everyone about the conversation we had with Mr. Chasen, his attorney and his architect about the Alternative 2 site at Cat Rock. For reference you can see the long report that was sent to us in advance of the meeting yesterday.
Let me jump to the conclusion – Mr. Chasen is not willing to donate the land for the Alt. 2 site. However they are making the case that Alt. 2 would be visually more appealing in the neighborhood than Alt 1 especially when standing at the top of the hill facing down the ski slope and from a cost perspective, they are contesting the additional cost estimates from W-P.
I explained that the Town envisions that Alt. 2 would cost roughly $600,000 more than Alt. 1. Concerning cost, they claim the following:
- They feel Alt 1 has significant more stormwater impacts which will need to find a new solution for. Readon feels that Alt. 1 will cost nearly $100,000 more expensive than Alt. 2 to address these issues.
- They feel Alt. 2 benefits from having greater access to the current tank location for a laydown area. They feel less trees would need to be removed in Alt. 2 because the contractors would be able to utilize the already clear area around the current tank to store equipment & materials that would not be easily utilized with Alt. 1. Less trees removed equals lower cost and better for the site and abuters.
- They are contesting the ledge & fill additional costs that W-P claims would be necessary. Their consultant both Alt 1 and Alt 2 would require 24 cubic tons of fill which they believe to be about $10-$15 per cubic yard. Also that Alt. 2 grading will be same as Alt 1.
- They maintain that the constructability score is incorrect. Reardon claims the scores should be more equal and not necessarily as lopsided as they are presented by W-P.
- Most intriguing, they are questioning the need to discontinue the existing 10” water main from cat rock to Overlook. They maintain that keeping that easement instead of creating a new water main from Alt. 1 down Bradford makes significantly more economically sense and feels that the design adds roughly $1-$2 million in unnecessary costs. Unfortunately I couldn’t remember if we were 100% committed to abandoning the current 10” water main so that would need to be confirmed.
- They also feel that Alt 2 Article 97 impact could be done as a license not a taking, so better for the MEPA process. Neither laurie or I were sure about this.
Because of their disagreement on the costs, they feel Alt 2 is more cost effective and provides for a better solution for the ultimate appearance of the area. As such, they are not interested in ‘donating’ the land to the town for this site. Initially they were talking about a ‘land swap’ where we could use the land we need and Chasen would get an equitable portion of the current tank site which connects to his property adjacent to 22 overlook in the wester portion of the current tank site. Laurie & I made it clear that we are seeking to retain this site for a future tank site location 100 years from now. We explored an idea about having that land swap revert back to the current layout when the next tank is to be cited in the future. Not sure how easy that it to accomplish but its an idea!
We met for 45 minutes and I would say the conversation was generally cordial but they did make the point TWICE that if Alt. 1 is chosen they intend to make the MEPA process difficult for the town by inserting this as a most viable alternative. We told them that we sort of expected that. We also pointed out that putting the tank in the Alt. 2 location would indeed be an improvement for Chasen but would be more challenging for people at Overlook & Spruce Hill.
I would ask W-P to review the discussion points above for a future discussion with the Select Board. Laurie & I also feel we should do a full matrix review of alt 2, conceding whatever points may be valid and contesting others. It's important that we do a consistent analysis in comparing the two sites.
For the Select Board, we ought to schedule a meeting to finalize this site location. Your next scheduled meeting is 2-13 (roughly 2 weeks from now). Is there any interest in scheduling a BoS meeting next week (2-7 for example) during the daytime to consider this or do we wish to defer until the 13th? W-P should probably be asked when they feel they could be ready for a discussion on this. Amy & Rob?
February 27, 2024 Select Board Meeting
The Select Board took up the Cat Rock siting decision again at its February 27, 2024 meeting. Wright-Pierce presented its analysis of Mr. Chasan’s proposed site labeled “Alternative Site # 2A.”
W-P drafted a siting plan showing the three alternatives (Alt. Site #1, Alt. Site #2, and Alt. Site #2A) under consideration. Alternative Site #3 was no longer under consideration.
The W-P Alternatives Analysis for Site 2A can be found at this link: February 27, 2024 Cat Rock Alternatives Analysis
In the discussion before the Select Board, Wright-Pierce noted that Cat Rock was a more challenging site than either Doublet Hill or Paines Hill. A careful comparison of Alternative Site # 1 and Alternative Site # 2A indicated that a tank at Alternative Site # 2A would be more challenging and riskier to construct than Alternative Site # 1 due to its close proximity to the existing tank and to critical water main infrastructure. The steepness of the Alternative Site # 2A would require more earth work. The 1:1 slope that the proponent suggested was not recommended by Wright-Pierce, who stated that a 2:1 slope would be more stable. Wright-Pierce engineers stated that the proponent had not adequately accounted for stormwater drainage. Due to the additional risk to the existing tank and infrastructure, the cost of Alternative Site # 2A would be $200K to $600K higher, and would require a longer construction duration. The final score of Alternative Site # 1 was 66 and of Alternative Site # 2A was 61.7. After a presentation and discussion lasting almost two hours, the Select Board voted to approve Alternative Site # 1 as the site for the Cat Rock water tank.
The minutes are available here. Feb 27 2024 mtg Select Board minutes
The portion of the minutes pertaining to the Cat Rock siting discussion are reproduced below.
Discussion on Cat Rock Water Tank Site (PP#01)The Select Board addressed the siting of a new water tank at Cat Rock. Consultant Wright-Pierce had previously recommended "Alternative 1." Subsequently, an abutter hired experts who proposed a new "Alternative 2A" site and provided their analysis using the same matrix as Wright-Pierce.
Amy Coppers from Wright-Pierce presented their W-P’s evaluation of Alternative 2A, independent of the analysis of Alternative 2A provided by the abutter’s engineer and lawyer. Wright-Pierce’s analysis scored Alternative 2A lower than Alternative 1 under the tank siting matrix analysis. Key factors affecting the score included more disturbance of conservation land, greater site challenges, greater construction risks, and higher costs. The W-P score was lower on these factors than the score provided by the abutter’s engineer.
The abutter, Michael Chasan, shared renderings showing the visual impact of the tank at Alternative 1. He argued it would ruin the scenic view from the Cat Rock summit and urged reconsideration of Alternative 2A to preserve the cherished spot.
Amy Coppers showed some renderings of the tank at Alternative 1 that showed smaller visual impacts than were shown in the renderings shared by Mr. Chasan.
Dan Hill, attorney for the abutter, questioned some of Wright-Pierce's scoring and suggested that Alternative 2A's visual impact could be mitigated by plantings. He contended that the four-point difference in score between Alternative 1 and Alternative 2A did not justify the aesthetic harm of Alternative 1. Sean Reardon, engineer working for Mr. Chasen, questioned Wright-Pierce’s evaluation of the site challenges of Alternative 1 versus Alternative 2A.
Other residents shared concerns about impacts to views, trails, property values, drainage, and the process which they perceived to be rushed. Some urged slowing down and separating the Cat Rock tank decision from two other tank projects.
The Select Board acknowledged the difficult trade-offs and lack of any solution that would satisfy all abutters and residents. The Board expressed the belief that the process has been thorough. The Board has made every effort to consider the additional alternative (Alternative 2A) recently put forward by an abutter. However, the Board felt that Alternative 1 best met the overall needs of the town for this essential water project. The Board concurred with Wright-Pierce's objective analysis and recommendations and did not see any value in further delaying the choice.
MOTION:Mr. Houston moved to accept Wright-Pierce’s report and designate Alternative 1 as the site for the Cat Rock Tank. 2nd by Mr. Palmer.
Roll call vote: Mr. Houston, Mr. Palmer, and Ms. Bent voted in the affirmative. Approved unanimously.
The video of the Select Board meeting can be viewed at February 27, 2024 Select Board Meeting. The Cat Rock Water Tank discussion begins at 1:13:00 and continues to 3:04:00.